i2R Systems


We create a 3D aerodynamic database for urban cities, offering detailed and accurate historical, real-time, and predictive local wind field data. Applications include forensic studies, drone aviation, pedestrian-level winds, emissions modelling, and wind power generation.

We emphasize clean energy production, utilizing wind, solar, and other sustainable methods. Wind turbine modelling and optimization play a crucial role, enabling us to provide affordable clean energy solutions for every household. 

This is a broad area where we focus on optimizing the design of buildings, bridges and other structures to achieve functionality, safety and efficiency. 

We focus on enhancing waste management systems to maximize efficiency, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness.  Transforming waste management into a streamlined and environmentally friendly operation.

Our expert team combines years of research and product development experience, providing the insights you need to enhance production efficiency, integrate new technologies, and develop cutting-edge products.

Real-Time modelling of Local climate

We are developing and updating a 3D aerodynamic database of urban cities. This provides detailed and accurate historical, real-time and predictions of local wind fields in urban cities. Applications include but not limited to: Forensic studies, Drone aviation, Pedestrian level winds, Real-time Emissions and Pollution Modelling, Wind Power Generation.

To achieve this, we develop 3D Computational Fluid Dynamic CFD models to scale climate data seen at credible weather stations to climate data for the entire nearby city. The translated climate data undergo significant validation and calibration before being utilized. 

Green Energy and Carbon Emission

At I2R Systems, our mission is to drive the transition to a sustainable future by advancing technologies that enhance renewable energy production and capture carbon emissions. We are committed to developing cutting-edge solutions that address the pressing challenges of climate change and environmental sustainability.


Enhancing Renewable Energy Production

Our primary focus is on increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of wind turbines and solar panels. We are working on innovative designs and technologies that optimize the performance of these renewable energy sources in various settings, including:

  • Bus Stations: Implementing high-efficiency solar panels to power public transportation hubs, reducing reliance on non-renewable energy sources.
  • Shopping Centers: Integrating renewable energy systems in commercial complexes to lower their carbon footprint and energy costs.
  • Large Warehouses: Installing advanced wind turbines and solar panels to harness renewable energy at a large scale, promoting sustainable operations.

Carbon Capture Technologies

In addition to renewable energy production, we are developing state-of-the-art carbon capture solutions to mitigate the impact of industrial emissions. Our key efforts in this area include:

  • Industrial Processes: Creating efficient systems to capture CO2 emissions from steel and cement production, two of the most carbon-intensive industries.
  • Power Generation: Designing technologies to capture and store carbon emissions resulting from the burning of fossil fuels, thus reducing the overall carbon footprint of power plants.

Structural Optimization

This is a broad area where we focus on optimizing the design of buildings, bridges and other structures to achieve functionality, safety and efficiency. Specific topics that fall under this is developing special analysis software to achieve optimum design of buildings under climatic stressors. Performance Based Design of structures under Wind and Seismic actions. Structural optimization software for wind turbines.

Waste Management

In this area, we focus on optimizing waste management systems for maximum efficiency, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness, encompassing both organic and solid wastes.

Advanced techniques for processing organic and solid waste are central to our approach. We aim to minimize landfill use and maximize the recovery of valuable resources. We aim to provide innovative and sustainable waste management solutions for communities and businesses.

To achieve this, we employ state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies, including advanced anaerobic digestion processes and continuous optimization of waste treatment techniques. These methods undergo rigorous validation and calibration to ensure they meet the highest standards of efficiency and environmental responsibility.

Other research themes:

At I2R Systems, we are dedicated to addressing and overcoming industry challenges with our extensive expertise and innovative solutions. If you are encountering obstacles in the product development phase or require further research to bring your product to market, we are here to help.

Our team of experts and engineers combines years of research and product development experience, ensuring that we can provide the insights and solutions you need. Whether you are looking to enhance efficiency, integrate new technologies, or develop cutting-edge products, I2R Systems is your trusted partner.

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